lake George

brevard county, FL


The Lake George stormwater pond is located in Kings Park on north Merritt Island, Florida. It has salt water influences from Sykes Creek which backs up during hurricanes and king tides. The pond is 3.3 acres (143,748 square feet) in size and is planted with thirteen floating wetlands, covering 7,100 square feet (659.85 square meters). That represents about 5 % coverage. 

The floating treatment wetlands are planted with halophyte grasses and the nutrient loads in the pond produce healthy biomass growth, leading to significant nutrient harvests. The average nitrogen removal rates are 236.62 grams N / m2 / year and phosphorus uptake rates are 55.62 grams P / m2 / year. During the six years the Beemats have been in this pond, they have kept 1,721.05 pounds of nitrogen and 404.65 pounds of phosphorus out of Sykes Creek and prevented discharges to the Indian River and Banana River Estuaries.